First Viewpoint

Monday, January 08, 2007

Simple networking methods for file sharing in windows 1

Method 1 -- using the built-in windows XP's file sharing

A) It is the simplest to use the shared folder located at the "my computer" as you sharing folder. Make sure in the properties, proper privileges have given to computer on the network to use this folder.
B) In your network connection properties, you need to set: (1) windows network services is checked. 2) file and printer sharing is checked (at least for the computer that that its folder is being shared.)
C) Make sure in your firewall you have assigned the computers that are to access the shared folder as trusted. For example for me who am using a private router with DHCP, then in my zonelab firewall set my either subnet works as the trusted with medium security.
That's it now on the start menu click on "my network places" or type in the address. For example if you want to access the shared folder documents on computer Blackcomb then type "\\Blackcomb\Documents"

You can also mount a network place as like a local drive easily, see here for detailed info and instructions.


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