First Viewpoint

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Upgrading Pocket PC 2002

Here is the deal. I wanted to upgrade my Dell Axim X5 300MHz Pocket PC which I bought back then when Dell offered its first generation Pocket PCs. I never updated or upgraded it and it was still in manufacturer's setting all the way. Since it took me quite a while to figure out this how-to, I decided to write a few words about it.

Some facts (as of today):
  1. Don't use Google to search for it, you go almost nowhere.
  2. Microsoft does not provide the upgrade. You need to get it from the manufacturer or a third party.
  3. Dell does provide upgrades but only for X5 400MHz and apparently it is just a partial upgrade not a full upgrade to Pocket PC 2003. Just go to (or .com) then support and search for drivers& downloads under "Dell Axim X5 ROM Update for Pocket PC 2002."
    Note: I run into a very interesting fact, I just quote: "Dell created several updates for Pocket PC 2002. They are A00, A01, A02, A03 and A04. Dell also created two ROMs for Windows Mobile 2003.They are A04 and A05 updates. When Dell released A04 it didn't go well consumers were having trouble with there Syncing and in rare cases the Axim did boot right. After this mistake Dell released the A05 patch called R64365. If you already had the A04 Pocket PC 2003 ROM, you could update to A05.
    What Dell soon realized is with the A03 or A04 patch for 2002, you could install Windows Mobile 2003 from that A05 update. That is why the A05 update and the A03/A04 for 2002 updates have been removed from Dell's webpage."
  4. To find out which Dell you have go to "start/settings/system/ system information" which shows the model, processor type and speed, ROM version, language ... and go to start/settings/system/about which shows which Pocket PC version you have.
    Note that from a Microsoft's website: "Pocket PC Version 3 represents Pocket PC 2002 and Pocket PC Version 4 represents Pocket PC 2003."
Some warnings:
  1. It deletes all you programs and data on your ROM and RAM (obviously not the data on your flash or SD ...). It is quite risky to use ActiveSync's full backup as you most likely cannot use the same programs on the new OS version. You need to manually backup your data, something that you should always do anyway. The programs need to be reinstalled manually later as well.
  2. If it goes wrong in the process, it would be quite a mess. It is not reversible, so you have to keep on trying to either make this one work or get an image of your original ROM image somehow (probably from the Dell Support).
How to do it: Finally after a lot of search and research I found this website which gives a complete image for upgrading the ROM of Dell Axim X5 from Pocket PC 2002 (any update less than A05) to Pocket PC 2003 A05. I just followed the instructions of the website almost as is. I summarize: just copy the image file (I had to use the second one P25_NK_L_07170300EN.img, the file the website mentions did not work for me) using my cradle to an empty flash card (I used a 64M). Then do what it says about the batteries and the key combinations (the most awkward section, as it is really hard to click three bottons (RESS SCROLL IN BUTTON + CONTACTS BUTTON + POWER) while trying to push the stylus into the reset button).

I would recommend this upgrade for many reasons, for example: the internet and network connectivity is a lot better and MSN messenger is much cleaner (After another upgrade from Microsoft website). However, the Switcher bar does not include the light and battery life with it any more by default.

Bingo. Now I have Pocket PC 2003 ROM version A05 on my device. I am quite happy that nothing went wrong. Not too shabby, Not too shabby at all, ey!


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