First Viewpoint

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Making Crepe is way too simpler than I expected. The ingredients are similar to that of for example a pancake. And it does not take any time in terms of preparation and cooking.
I mainly used this website and this one's info for ingredients and portions, and here some photos.

1 eggs
1/4 cup flour
1/4 cup milk
Just a bit of salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 tablespoons melted butter or oil.

Just mix the beaten egg, sugar, and salt. Add flour, milk and then oil. You may want to leave it for half an hour, but that is not necessary. Heat a frying pan and put a bit of oil in it. Pour the mixture to create a thin layer. Cook over medium temperature till slightly brown/gold. You may repeat above to make more. The portions mentioned earlier make two medium size crepes.


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