First Viewpoint

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Some recent cookings

These are the photos of some of the dishes I made this weekend:

1) Rice + Lentil + shrimp sauce: Cook rice separately, for an elaborate recipe see here, but you can use a rice cooker for convenience . Boil Lentil separately with some cumin, salt and pepper until cooked. Mix the two in a big pot and let them stay over very low temperature while making the sauce. Fry some onions in a frying pan in extra virgin olive oil and then add the shrimps. Season with salt, Italian herbs, nutmeg and pepper. At the end, add some chopped fresh spinach and parsley. Serve the sauce on the side or the top of your dish of rice and lentil.

2) Home-made yogurt: Well-explained and illustrated Yogurt recipes can be found in recipe 1 or recipe 2.

3) Fried spinach + yogurt: Just fry some chopped spinach and some onions in extra virgin olive oil. Add salt and pepper. Let it cool and then add it to some yogurt. Put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours before serving.

4) Condensed Whey from Yogurt (soft "Ghaaraa")


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